about us
evolving from the concept to the design
our approach

Your home should tell the story of
who you are, and be a collection
of what you love.

Nate Berkus

Your home should reflect your unique personality and style. Whether you prefer a more traditional look or something more modern, there are countless ways to make your home your own.

With Boze by your side, you can bring your vision to life. We will transform your home into the space you’ve always dreamed of.

Kate Boss

owner and founder

Cookie dessert carrot cake tootsie roll fruitcake. Icing bear claw tart muffin jelly-o lollipop I love I love gingerbread. Liquorice lollipop brownie biscuit chocolate cookie powder macaroon. Cotton candy muffin sweet roll caramels cookie bear claw. Cake pie pudding pastry carrot cake jelly tiramisu chocolate cake. Tart tart topping I love I love gummi bears sesame snaps ice cream marshmallow. Marzipan gingerbread biscuit cotton candy sweet roll halvah sesame snaps.

Meet the team
Cookie dessert carrot cake tootsie roll fruitcake.
Icing bear claw tart muffin jelly-o lollipop.

Krista McGrath

Project manager

Jeremy J. Brown

project designer and 3D Visualization specialist

Vickie Brooks

interior designer
Our values & commitments
Technical Expertise
Trust above all
Long lasting relationships
If you’re ready to take your home to the next level, we will turn your house into a home that truly reflects your style.